воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.


Had a cool weekend,

Saturday I went with my parents to sort out the final bits for my bathroom :)

Guy is coming on Monday morning to start taking out the old bathroom then should take a week or so to fit the new bathroom, do all the tiling, flooring etc... But it should look cool, might take some pics as itapos;s done :)

About 2pm met Pika and Tigerpawz at MK station and we went for a wander, had some random wrap at pret then went round the shops for a bit.

When we got back to mine we played games for a bit then stupidly we atempted to eat increasingly large pieces of Scotch Bonnet till me and Pawz had to get through quite a large amount of milk to stop from burning to death.

I cooked Spaghetti bolognaise and we played the board game of Knightmare which is an unforgiving and long game it seems (Go to prison, go to prison, go to prison).


Sunday we went to Waggamamaapos;s for late lunch before i dropped them off at the station.


Looking forward to Halloween party at Spunkyapos;s next weekend, iapos;m gona go as apos;Dragulaapos; so weapos;ll see what I can do for that, bought a cape on Saturday. I DO have a Basque left over from Rocky Horror but that might be going too far, weapos;ll see lol.


Signed up for RBW today #250 yay, do I get a prize?

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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So, that poll I did a few weeks ago? Iapos;m finally comfortable enough with the sample size. It looks like Iapos;m doing the steampunk novel.

Iapos;ve got a bit of the world sketched out already- this is good, because thereapos;s a lot of it. The basic idea is that it is an alternate history where the dark ages were not quite as severe and widespread. The Roman Empire still fell, of course, but the religious fanaticism never really took root and caused everything to be set back for a couple centuries, so the Industrial Revolution came around a little sooner.

The bad news is that the ruling class controls nearly all the science and technology powers, and the peasants, while somewhat enlightened peasants, are still kind of screwed. And with no one to stop the nobility from poking at the laws of nature until she pokes back, we get...



Oh, and it gets worse: the Europeans ran across the Americas (in zeppelins rather than ships, but I digress), but they were not open to colonization as the indigenous peoples had their own advanced civilizations, complete with armies. One should never ask a Spaniard about the Battle of Tula. The American empires trade as equals with the European powers, and while there is some emigration (especially in England, as theyapos;ve still managed to conquer Australia), there isnapos;t nearly as much as a pressure-release valve as there was in our world.

So basically, weapos;ve got all of Europe sitting on a powder keg of peasant unrest and mad science with no outlet. And to the great, great misfortune of just about everyone, Otto von Bismarck still exists in this universe, and he comes to power right on schedule. Now, what weapos;ve got here are the makings of a war, and this one is going to be a doozie.

Our story starts in 1870, on the eve of the Franco-Prussian War, just west of Lauterbourg, France. Itapos;s a story of boy-meets-girl, boy-is-part-of-invading-army-and-sacks-girls-town, girl-joins-counterinvasion-movement, and boy-has-to-keep-secret-who-he-is-because-he-really-likes-this-girl. Plus genetically engineered super-spies. And ray guns. And did we mention heapos;s nobility as well?

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I saw John McCainapos;s charter plane today. I was biking by the airport and I see a small plane on the side near the Economy Lot and think, hmm thatapos;s weird. From afar, I thought it was a Continental Airlines plane, because it had the same colors, and I saw a URL on the tail. At first, I couldnapos;t make it out, but then I thought it said JohnMcCain.com. And I thought, UGH How dare a commercial airline shamelessly advocate like that But that I saw on the planeapos;s body "McC" (the rest was obstructed by something). Thatapos;s when I realized it was his own private charter jet. How nice. Did the presence of the jet mean he was leaving, maybe for Antarctica? One can only hope....

In almost-related news, I voted today Yay for absentee voting What annoyed me a little is that the postcard we received in the mail said that we do not have to specify why weapos;re unable to vote on Nov. 4. Yet the sign-in form at the Courthouse required us to list a reason for our absence I wish I had brought my postcard so I could question the officials about. I put down that Iapos;ll be at school, which is absolutely true. But if we donapos;t have to specify, then why do they make us anyway?

We could choose between a paper or electronic ballot. I was definitely the odd one out by choosing a paper ballot. The instructions were that you had to connect the two parts of the arrow next to your choice of candidate(s). So I connected the arrow, but I circled my choices as well, just in case my ballot gets checked by a moron (of which there are plenty).

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bristol parkway address

�I tried to show Bianca the point of Livejournal, and it basically made no sense because nobody posts anymore.

My friends list was just community feeds.

And while Iapos;m 90 happy that Iapos;m not the LJ-fiend I�was when I was 18, Iapos;ve decided that in the spirit of using the blog in the way that it was meant, next week Iapos;ll make a reasonably large post each day, from Monday until Sunday.

Itapos;s strange that we used to all use this friggin thing when weapos;d all hang out constantly, and now that weapos;re scattered all over the country/world, itapos;s gone to hell.


Monday to Sunday next week:�Make an LJ post about whatapos;s up, so that my friends page is less like a desert and more like a bountiful rainforest of wildlife.

And wildlife refers to you -- the people.

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alone cry lonely sad

This weekend is going to be interesting. Itapos;s Fall Break. Meaning that 95 of the girls in the dorm are either leaving tonight or tomorrow to go home. Me? Becca invited me to go visit her house in Omaha, so Iapos;m going there sometime tomorrow. I donapos;t want to stay the whole time, though -- I feel really awkward sleeping in the homes of people I donapos;t know that well. But, Iapos;ll be out of the house and not so lonely. Last year, it was pretty terrible. :/

As for w hat weapos;re doing? No clue.

I canapos;t remember the last time I was in Omaha. Like, seriously. Maybe it was the time where I flew out of and into the airport there around three years ago? *shrug*

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

causes of sickle cell anemia

I need a road trip.
I miss my "ghost hunting" adventures.
I really donapos;t like the word ghost. �I prefer... Spirits... Paranormal...etc.

Itapos;s weird.. You would think activity would be heavily increased here.. Since it is the Old West.� Granted, I suppose this area was discovered much later... Then Illinois by comparison... But the history is very rich.
There are a lot of places located by Denver and Boulder area, just not Western Colorado. �I need an adventure, something to keep me on my toes.�

Even some ornate cemeteries would please me...
But the places Iapos;ve been to here.. Are all so plain.� They tend to have a very empty feeling to them.�

And... And... Grand Junction used to be part of a Ute Reservation.. Until.. Well.. You know what we did.

There is Horse Thief Canyon... Which is about a 15 minute drive from my house... Is suppose to have a wandering spirit...�
That place does give me the willies a bit, before I had heard it even had a history.� I remember I drove out there one evening, right at dusk, and I was talking to my friend on a cellphone and when I told her where I was... She told me I�should get out of there and not go out there alone when it starts to get dark, because apparently itapos;s a big creep hangout once the sun goes down.� Sure enough.. As I was leaving, right after the sun set, there were a bunch of people out there starting to party, they were being really loud and obnoxious too.�
That was the last time(2nd time ever) I�was out there... I think maybe I will go again on Monday or Tuesday, during the day.. And hike down the canyon.�
My uncle was there a few weeks ago and he saw some wild horses. �I would really love to experience that.� Iapos;ve never hiked down the canyon, Iapos;ve only been on the side of the Colorado River.�

Okay. �wow. �I just found this site with all these places that are local I want to check out.� Unfortunately though I canapos;t get a specific location or directions to them...
Guess I will be doing some research this weekend.�

Jeez. �Itapos;s not even 2pm yet. �

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